12 Game-Changing Dropshipping Forums You Should Know About

by Stanley


Dropshipping testimonials and guides are aplenty on the internet. They give detailed instructions on what to do and how to do it to gain dropshipping success.

However, lately, dropshipping forums are becoming a more popular learning and interactive platform for most dropshippers. Why is that? Is joining a dropship forum really that beneficial?

Below, we examine leading dropshipping forums to find out if they are really worth signing up for.

Read on.

Dropshipping Forum

Alidropship Forum

AliExpress is a highly popular platform among dropshippers. It is preferred for its product variety, free access, and discounted prices. However, it can be quite a maze to navigate and presents a host of other challenges including scammer suppliers.

These and other everyday dropshipping challenges led to the creation of the Alidropship Forum. It currently has over 18,000 members and more than 12,000 discussion threads regarding various dropshipping subjects such as:

  • AliExpress dropshipping
  • Social media marketing
  • Finding dropshipping niches
  • How to research products to dropship
AliDropship Forum

At first glance, the threads seem overwhelming but they make for a great archive. If you would like to catch up on topics that were discussed before you joined, you only need to run a search and the information will be pulled from old threads.

Notably, numerous suppliers and shipping companies are also members of this platform. This gives you a prime opportunity to build networks and partnerships that could help grow your business.

You can access information from the Alidropship Forum without being a member. However, if you would like to participate by asking questions or chiming in on discussions, you will need to register as a member.

SaleHoo Forum

SaleHoo is a paid-access platform that connects dropshippers with vetted dropshipping suppliers. It also has a robust members forum where dropshippers and suppliers interact on a variety of subjects.

Salehoo Forum

The information on the SaleHoo dropshippers forum is well-organized and makes it easy to find what you need. There are also designated ps where dropshippers can:

  • Post requests for suppliers
  • Read reviews on suppliers and get information on possible scammers
  • Browse exclusive deals on products from vetted suppliers

That said, this is a members-only forum. You need to be on a SaleHoo subscription to get full access to the informative discussions and resources in the forum.

Membership will set you back $67 for a year or you could pay $127 for a lifetime membership.

Shopify Community

Shopify is a platform that hosts over a million eCommerce businesses including dropshipping stores. It currently has users in over 175 countries and is popular for its affordability and user-friendly interface.

The Shopify Community is a common forum for e-commerce traders. It has over 850,000 members and more than a million posts. If you are looking for a vibrant and informative forum, this one clearly fits the bill.

Shopify Community

While there are many discussions on the Shopify Community wall, the ‘Wholesale and Dropshipping’ thread is the most prominent. In it, dropshippers:

  • Ask and receive answers to ‘how to’ questions
  • Share information on suppliers
  • Interact with the suppliers and logistics companies that are registered in the community

Compared to other platforms, the Shopify App is arguably one of the easiest to use in the market.

Still, this platform would be a great avenue to learn more about Shopify dropshipping apps or trends that could help you run your Shopify store better.

Shopify store owners have direct access to this forum. However, if you are new or run your store on another platform, you could still register and gain access. Registration is completely free.

Wholesale Forum

Wholesale Forum is a global platform where wholesalers, retailers, resellers, and other business entities congregate to share ideas. It is free to join and creating an account only takes a few minutes.

The main discussion on this forum is ‘Wholesale and Dropshipping’. It comprises very diverse conversations. They range from the basics of dropshipping to complexities such as legal contracts, taxation, and lots more.

Wholesale Forum

Nonetheless, you may also learn a lot from other discussions including:

  • Safe Trading – a discussion comprising informative tips and resources on safe trading practices.
  • General Business -tips on online marketing, setting up and managing e-commerce websites, business development, and more.
  • Wholesale and Dropship Suppliers– an informative resource containing wholesaler and supplier recommendations for different products.

Another upside to Wholesale Forum is that content is well-curated. Offensive comments or irrelevant conversations are deleted by moderators. This makes the platform less chaotic and more beneficial to explore.

BigCommerce Community Forum

BigCommerce is a software platform that hosts online businesses. It competes against platforms like Shopify but has a more diverse selection of online shops. Dropshippers only make up a small portion of that.

Nevertheless, you will find fellow dropshippers and dropshipping discussions in the BigCommerce Community forum. The catch is, only BigCommerce store owners can join the community.

BigCommerce Community Forum

In terms of content, the BigCommerce Community has a lower volume of interactions but they are quite helpful.

For instance, if you have just set up your dropshipping store, you can ask fellow community members to critique your store. Those that do can give you tips and feedback on how to improve.

Like all other communities, you can ask questions, suggest or contribute to conversations. Be sure to remain courteous and on topic as you participate. You may face suspension if you repeatedly violate community rules.

Dropship Forum

The Dropship Forum needs no introduction. It is a platform that brings together dropshippers and suppliers looking to sell their products through dropshipping.

The layout of the platform is quite straightforward and welcoming. It is not the kind of forum you will get lost in trying to find a simple dropshipping tip.

Dropship Forum

Registration is free and open to all including international dropshippers. There is also a welcome p where you can introduce yourself, learn the rules, and catch up on dropshipping basics if you are new to the trade.

One of the distinct features of this forum is that sellers can get reviews from sellers about certain dropshippers. This stands out because most platforms only offer information about suppliers to dropshippers.

Notably, this platform also has a fun social segment. It is best likened to an office breakroom where you can share jokes, lighthearted banter, social topics, and sports. It keeps the formal dropshipping conversations spam-free.

The Supplier Central

The Supplier Central forum takes on a kitchen-sink approach where almost all business-related subjects are fair game. However, while this may feel inconvenient it has its benefits:

  • The dropshipping model of business does not exist in a vacuum. Learning about business, in general, could help you become a better entrepreneur.
  • As a dropshipper, you can find lots of information and get access to suppliers that other platforms would require you to pay for.
The Supplier Central

The registration process is easy and can even be done via Facebook. Becoming a member gives you full access to discussions and the ability to participate.

You will find dropshipping discussions in the ‘eCommerce, Trade, Retail and Business Discussions’ p. Other areas in the forum such as the marketplace would be ideal if you would like to find dropship suppliers.

UK Business Forums

UK Business Forums

Dropshipping is a universal concept. Whether you are in Australia or the USA, it remains the same. Nevertheless, different jurisdictions have different laws.

Therefore, the modalities of dropshipping in one country can vary from those of another. This is why the UK Business Forum is so important if you are dropshipping in the United Kingdom.

Admittedly, this is a general forum where entrepreneurs discuss various aspects of business such as taxation and tech. However, it has numerous threads on dropshipping in the UK and e-commerce in general.

Membership is free but limited to UK residents. You would also have to state why you would like to join the community. Once you log in you can search ‘dropshipping’ and search results will show you all the relevant discussions.


Yakkyofy is a dropshipping company that offers multiple dropshipping including:

  • Private label dropshipping
  • Dropshipping automation
  • Virtual warehousing services

The company is quite keen on offering dropshippers helpful and informative dropshipping resources. These efforts led to the creation of the Yakkyofy Dropshipping Community.


The Yakkyofy Dropshipping Community is hosted on Facebook. It is a members-only group that you have to request access to but there are no stringent membership requirements.

Once your membership is validated, you can join in on conversations and learn more about how other dropshippers are growing their businesses. You can also find more in-depth reviews about the Yakkyofy app.

Warrior Forum

The Warrior Forum is a collection of many business forums in one. It could be a great forum for you if you:

  • Would like access to diverse business discussions
  • Would like to stay in touch with new trends and current developments in the dropshipping world

Thankfully, the business forums are differentiated into categories and you can easily find what you are looking for. In this case, dropshipping will be under the eCommerce category.

Warrior Forum

The discussions are quite fluid and vary from articles to questions from members. Still, you can simply click on and participate in what you find relevant to your interests.

The signup process is simple, free, and gives you access to other areas such as the Warrior Forum marketplace.


Few forums can hold a candle to Reddit. It is a mammoth site that, as of May 2022, recorded about 1.7 billion site visits. So, if you are looking for a platform that is active and offers diverse views, this is it.

To gain full participatory privileges, it is best to start by creating a Reddit account(if you do not have one). Then you can decide if you would like to use the Reddit app or stay on the browser platform. Either is fine.


Once you are settled in, you can enter ‘dropship’ on the search bar, and voila! It will be led right to the Reddit dropship forum. You can choose to join the community so that you have easy access to it.

The thing to note about Reddit is that it is a casual platform that is not as formal as others on this list. The questions and answers are, nonetheless, very informative and often have a touch of humor.

Here too you can capitalize on the broad audience and request for a critique of your site. The responses may be a blend of helpful and controversial criticisms. The trick is to take the constructive bits and ignore the rest.

The Fastlane Forum

The Fastlane Forum

The Fastlane Forum is an honorable mention. It is not fully focused on dropshipping but has a series of dropshipping conversations that are worth having a look at.

The ‘Gold’ and ‘Hot Topic’ discussions, in particular, can be very enlightening. They offer insight on how to handle dropshipping tasks, such as marketing, while others highlight dropshipping success stories.

Registration is free and accessible to all but your application is subject to review.

FAQs on Dropshipping Forums

Is It Safe to Join Dropshipping Forums?

Joining any public forums on the internet presents some degree of risk. Not all participants harbor great intentions.

Nevertheless, you can take measures to keep your profile, data, and person safe. Such measures include:

  • Have a strong password for your profile. Use a password generator if you have a hard time creating one.
  • Avoid sharing any overly personal information during forum discussions. Details like your address or how much your dropshipping store makes may attract unwanted attention.
  • If you choose to use forum benefits such as ‘critique my site’ ensure that the privacy and security settings are of the highest standard. Vulnerabilities can be exploited by participants with ill intentions.
  • Be wary of random links sent to your inbox if you have not requested them or do not know the sender. Phishing is not uncommon on online forums.

Are Dropshipping Forums Worth Joining?

Most dropshipping guides will tell you that it is always a good idea to keep up with what your competitors are doing. It is also advisable to keep up with new trends or concepts that may add value to your venture.

Dropshipping forums are a great avenue to obtain all this information in one fell swoop. You get to learn new things and the pitfalls to avoid from the experiences shared by fellow dropshippers.

The best part is, most of these forums are free. What do you have to lose?

Can I Market My Dropship Store on Dropshipping Forums?

Ideally, no.

In fact, on platforms like The Fastlane Forum, marketing your store is grounds for dismissal. Therefore, unless expressly stated, it is best to desist from any promotional overtures.

Speaking of dismissal, it is best to always read and contemplate the rules of a dropshipping forum before you sign up. Rules often give an idea of whether a forum will be suitable for you or not.

Final Thoughts

Almost every business sector you can think of has one type of a common forum or another. This is because, as the saying goes, iron sharpens iron. No one offers more practical, relatable, and valuable advice than your peers and competitors.

At NicheDropshipping, we are equally passionate about equipping you with value-adding dropshipping resources. Whether you are looking to scale or diversify your business, we will help you get there.

Do reach out to us with all your dropshipping questions and we will handle them for you.

About the Author

stanley nieh ceo


Over 10 years of experience in foreign trade
Helped 2k+ customers improve their dropshipping businesses

2 thoughts on “12 Game-Changing Dropshipping Forums You Should Know About”

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