How to Find Trending Products in 15 Ways (2024)

by Stanley


Finding trending products can be the linchpin for success in the rapidly evolving e-commerce landscape. 

Your ability to tap into the zeitgeist with in-demand items can attract more traffic to your online store, generate buzz, and increase sales. 

Identifying these trendy products requires a combination of savvy research and insight into consumer behavior. 

This article will guide you through effective strategies to stay ahead of the curve, allowing you to harness trends and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

How to find trending products

Why Should You Sell Trending Products

1. Capturing the Market 

When you sell trending products, you position yourself as a go-to retailer in a hot market. Consumers searching for the latest items will come across your store, increasing web traffic and potentially boosting your sales.

2. Heightened Demand

A viral or popular product can create a wave of demand rapidly. By keeping an eye on how to find trending niches and products for dropshipping, you can leverage this demand to sell new, trending items that consumers are currently interested in.

3. Profit Margins

Trending products, especially those fresh to the market, can command higher prices due to their newness and popularity. This usually translates into more profitable sales for your business.

4. Marketing Advantage

It’s easier to promote hot and trending products. These products often market themselves through social media buzz and word of mouth, saving you marketing efforts and costs.

5. First-Mover Advantage

By learning how to know which products are trending, you can be one of the first retailers to market them. This can give you an edge over competitors who may be slower to pick up on these trends.

6. Strategic Growth

Selling trending products doesn’t just mean riding the wave of a temporary craze. It’s about balancing the allure of the new and popular with items that might have staying power, leading to long-term value for your business.

Types of Trending Products

When you’re on the hunt for trending products to sell, understanding the different types of trends is crucial. These trends often fall into three main categories: short-term, mid-long-term, and seasonal.

1. Short-Term Trends

Short-term trends arise quickly and can be incredibly hot and popular for a brief period. They’re often driven by media, viral content, or celebrity endorsements. 

To catch these fleeting opportunities, stay updated with social media buzz and trending hashtags. For example, fidget spinners surged in popularity swiftly and then declined just as fast.

Short term trends

2. Mid-Long-Term Trends

Mid-long-term trends tend to last longer, developing over months or even years. They usually stem from more sustained changes in consumer behavior or technological advancements. 

Products like eco-friendly items or health monitoring devices are part of such trends because they align with a growing consciousness about sustainability and wellness.

3. Seasonal Trends

For seasonal trends, timing is key. These products become popular at certain times of the year, every year. 

You’ll notice a spike in searches for swimsuits during summer or snow boots as winter approaches. Keep an eye on Google Trends to assess patterns in seasonal product interest.

Leverage these insights to identify trending niches that can scale your eCommerce business. Stay alert, use the right tools, and you’ll be able to respond to the market with products that capture the essence of what’s hot, trending, or going viral.

15 Strategies on How to Find Trending Products

1. Identifying Trending Brands and Topics

Identifying trending brands and topics

When you’re looking to stay ahead in the eCommerce game, pinpointing trending brands and topics is key to uncovering emerging market trends. 

Here’s a simplified step-by-step guide to help you capture the zeitgeist and give your business a competitive edge.

Step 1: Trend Discovery Tools. 

Explore tools designed for trend-spotting. With these platforms, you filter through categories to quickly spot new and rising brands. A popular method is using a trending product discovery tool which can significantly cut down your research time.

Step 2: Social Media Monitoring. 

Keep a close watch on social media. Influencers and thought leaders can greatly impact what becomes popular. Look at hashtags, trending topics, and brand mentions to gauge what’s gaining traction.

Step 3: Analyze Search Data. 

Make use of search analysis tools like Google Trends. They provide invaluable data on what’s being searched for, allowing you to track the rise and fall of specific topics over time.

Step 4: Read Niche Publications.

Stay informed with niche-specific magazines and online publications. They often highlight emerging brands and products before they hit the mainstream.

Step 5: Customer Feedback.

Listen to your customer base for cues about what products they’re interested in or problems they’re looking to solve. Customer inquiries and feedback are gold mines for spotting trends.

2. Researching Trending Consumer Demand

Researching trending consumer demand

Understanding consumer demand is critical for identifying products that are likely to sell well. To get started, regularly check search demand tools like Google Trends, which provides valuable insights into the popularity of search terms over time.

Monitor social media for buzzworthy items. Platforms such as Instagram and Twitter can be goldmines for spotting items that are gaining traction.

Subscribe to industry newsletters and follow related blogs. This more passive approach can yield insights into what consumers are getting excited about.

Analyze sales data from major online marketplaces like Amazon. Look for products climbing the bestseller lists, as this is often an indicator of growing demand.

Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Utilize product discovery tools that focus on emerging trends in various categories.
  2. Engage with your target audience via surveys or social media to understand their needs and preferences.
  3. Keep an eye on what influencers in your niche are promoting, as they can significantly sway consumer interests.

3. Exploring Best Sellers on Competitor Websites

Exploring best sellers on competitor websites

When you’re looking to identify trending products that could boost your online store, a smart approach is to look at your competitors’ best-selling items. It’s not about copying but uncovering what resonates with consumers in your market niche.

1. First, list down your top competitors. These businesses in your space have a similar target audience or sell similar product lines.

2. Visit each competitor’s website and locate their ‘Best Sellers’ section. This is typically found in their main navigation menu or can often be identified through a quick site search.

3. Take note of the products featured. Look for patterns, such as frequent appearances of certain items across different websites.

4. Consider the product features that might contribute to their popularity. Are they more affordable, feature advanced technology, or meet a recent trend in consumer behavior?

Create a simple table to track:

CompetitorTrending ProductUnique FeaturesPrice Point
Example 1Widget APortable$19.99
Example 2Gadget BEco-friendly$34.49

This analysis isn’t just about what’s trending, but why it’s trending. Your goal is to understand the drivers behind the trends, which could range from seasonal demand to social media influence.

4. Looking into Customer Surveys and Feedback

Looking into customer surveys and feedbacks

When venturing into the realm of product trends, customer surveys and feedback are your goldmines of information. They reveal the uncut gems of customer needs that haven’t made it to the market radar yet.

Step 1: Start with Creating a Survey. Design questions that are direct and relate to your customers’ experiences with current products. For instance:

  • What problem does your ideal product solve?
  • Are there features you wish were added to current products?

Step 2: Utilize Feedback Tools. Platforms like Hotjar help you analyze behavior and feedback, leading to more hands-on trends.

Step 3: Implement Regular Check-ins. This isn’t a one-time deal. Trends evolve, and so should your understanding of your customers’ needs.

Step 4: Finally, Act on the Insights. Customer feedback isn’t just to be collected; it’s to be implemented. Curate your product lines to align with the patterns and requests you’ve received.

5. Leveraging Social Media and Influencers

Leveraging social media and influencers

Discovering trending products can feel like a treasure hunt, but you’ll have a valuable tool at your disposal: social media and influencers. These platforms and personalities aren’t just entertainment; they’re powerful trend barometers.

Step 1: Choose Your Platforms Wisely.

Begin with platforms known for high engagement and visual content. Instagram and Pinterest, for instance, are hotspots for lifestyle and fashion trends. 

  • Instagram: Home to vast audiences, use hashtag searches to see what products influencers are showcasing.
  • Pinterest: Track which products are being pinned the most to spot patterns in burgeoning trends.

For tech-savvy products, Twitter and LinkedIn might be more appropriate venues.

Step 2: Follow the Right Influencers.

Influencers have their fingers on the pulse of what’s up-and-coming. Utilize tools like BuzzSumo to track influencers in your desired market. Look for those with high engagement rates rather than simply a large follower count.

Step 3: Engage and Monitor.

Don’t just observe—interact! Comment on posts, ask questions, and participate in polls. Your goal is to understand what their audience is excited about.

Step 4: Analyze the Data.

Use insights from social media analytics to spot trends. Platforms offer data on post interactions, which can highlight products gaining interest.

Step 5: Test Your Findings.

Consider a small-scale test once you’ve identified a potential trending product through social media and influencers. Stock a limited quantity and gauge customer response before diving in fully.

Remember, social media and influential voices can give you a lens into what’s trending, but your customers’ preferences should always guide your final decisions.

6. Using Video Search Engines for Product Insights

Using video search engines

When you’re on the hunt for trending products, turning to video search engines is a brilliant move. Platforms like YouTube and TikTok are not just entertainment; they’re gold mines for market research.

Here’s how you can extract valuable product insights using video search engines:

1. Identify Popular Content Creators: Start by finding content creators who focus on products within your niche. These influencers often review and promote items that are currently trending or are set to trend.

2. Analyze Trending Topics: Look for trending videos within your product category. What are people watching? Which products are getting the most attention?

3. Evaluate Engagement: Check the comments and likes. High engagement often indicates a keen interest in the product.

4. Monitor Hashtags: Especially on TikTok, hashtags can tell you what’s hot right now. Searching through these can help pinpoint products that are capturing viewers’ attention.

5. Track Changes Over Time: Notice which products are gaining popularity and which are fading out. This can help forecast trends.

Other video search engines that can offer insights include:

  • Vimeo: It’s known for its high-quality videos and could give you a glance at higher-end market trends.
  • Dailymotion: A platform with a wide array of content that can help identify diverse trends globally.

Remember, engagement metrics are your allies. A high number of views, likes, comments, or shares can signal a product’s rising popularity. Use these platforms to stay ahead of the curve and discover what products you might want to add to your lineup.

7. Monitoring eCommerce Platforms

Monitoring eCommerce platforms

When you’re on the hunt for trending products, keeping an eye on various eCommerce platforms can offer valuable insights into what’s hot and what’s not. Platforms like Amazon and Shopify provide robust data and can point you in the right direction.

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to help you monitor these platforms effectively:

  1. Sign up for industry newsletters: Platforms often send out trending product information to their subscribers.
  2. Use tools: Implement eCommerce product research tools to automate the tracking of sales data.
  3. Keep tabs on Best Sellers: Amazon’s Best Sellers page is a frequently updated catalogue of what’s current.
  4. Monitor new releases: Check the ‘New Release’ section to see what’s gaining traction.
  5. Review customer feedback: Look for products with a high volume of reviews and ratings.

Examples of eCommerce platforms to monitor include:

  • Amazon
  • Shopify
  • eBay
  • Etsy

Focus on products that are not only selling well but also garner a lot of customer interest and engagement. These indicators can be good predictors of what could become a household name in the near future. 

Remember, the key is to be consistent in your research and use a blend of manual observation and automated tools to gather broad trend data.

8. Utilizing Data from Reddit and Online Forums

Utilizing data from Reddit and online forums

When you’re on the hunt for the next big thing in trending products, harnessing the pulse of social platforms like Reddit and various online forums can be incredibly revealing. 

Communities within these platforms are often the first to adopt new products and can provide early signals on what might become popular.

Step 1: Start by identifying subreddits and forums that are relevant to your niche. You can find them by searching for keywords related to your industry.

Step 2: After finding these communities, dive into the discussions. Look for posts that are gaining traction; these typically have a high number of upvotes or comments.

Step 3: Observe what products people are excited about and discussing repeatedly. These conversations can clue you in on products that are gaining interest.

  • Reddit Threads: Pay attention to the frequency of product mentions in threads.
  • AMA Sessions: Industry insiders often participate in “Ask Me Anything” threads which can reveal insights into emerging trends.

Step 4: Utilize tools available for Reddit, such as tools that research Amazon trends, to streamline your search and analysis process.

Step 5: Interact with the community. Pose questions or participate in discussions to gauge the reception of certain products directly.

By following these steps, you can tap into the collective wisdom of dedicated online communities, solidifying your strategy to spot and stock trending products before they go mainstream. 

9. Analyzing Industry News and Events

Analyzing industry news and events

When seeking out trending products, your first move is to tap into industry news and events. Staying informed is key to anticipating what products may soon see a spike in demand. Here’s a straightforward approach to ensure you’re in the loop:

  1. Subscribe to Industry Publications: Make a list of relevant trade magazines and digital publications. Regularly reading these will give you insights into upcoming products and innovations.
  2. Follow Influential Figures: Identify and follow thought leaders and influencers on social media platforms. Their content often hints at future trends.
  3. Attend Trade Shows: If possible, attend industry trade shows and exhibitions. These events are goldmines for spotting new products before they hit mainstream markets.

To keep your research organized, use a simple table like the one below:

Trade Magazine AProduct LaunchesMonthly publication highlighting recent product innovations.
Influencer BMarket PredictionsShares insights on emerging market trends on Twitter.
Annual Tech ExpoNetworking & Product DemosAttend in Q3 to see demos of upcoming holiday season gadgets.

Interact with this content actively. Ask questions and engage with communities discussing these topics. 

Remember, your goal is to gauge what products or features are generating buzz. This way, you can confidently decide which trends to pursue in your own business.

10. Employing Online Trend Discovery Tools

Employing online trend discovery tools

In the dynamic world of online sales, keeping up with what’s hot can give your business the edge. Using trend discovery tools is like having a digital crystal ball, giving you insights into what products are gaining traction.

Step 1: Start with Google Trends. It’s a free and user-friendly tool where you can explore the popularity of search terms over time. This allows you to see which products are in demand and identify the rise or fall of specific trends.

Step 2: Visit trend spotting websites. These platforms are dedicated to uncovering new and emerging trends across various industries. From health to gaming, they streamline the process by categorizing topics, making your search for the next big thing much simpler.

Step 3: Consider specialized tools for in-depth analysis. Some tools not only find trends but also offer predictions and market insights, which can prove invaluable in decision-making.

Here are a few examples of online trend discovery tools you might explore:

  • Exploding Topics: This tool provides analysis of budding trends, forecasting potential growth in various markets.
  • Trend Hunter: Good for discovering what’s new and next with real-time tracking.
  • Springwise: This innovator’s resource gives insights into the latest products and services worldwide.

With these techniques, you’ll be able to spot trending products before they become mainstream, allowing you to stock up and cater to demand, keeping your business one step ahead. 

11. Searching on B2B Marketplaces

Searching on B2B marketplaces

Searching for trending products on B2B marketplaces is a strategic move for your online store. These platforms are treasure troves for discovering what’s in demand, allowing you to stock products that are more likely to sell. 

Here’s a simple guide to begin:

Firstly, register on a reputable B2B marketplace. This grants you access to their vast inventories and insights into various industries. Once registered, you should:

  1. Use filters to narrow down your search. For example, filter by industry, location, or company size to find products relevant to your target market.
  2. Look at the best-selling items. These lists are usually curated based on purchase data and can be an indicator of what’s currently popular.
  3. Keep an eye on seasonal trends. Products often gain popularity around certain times of the year, so plan your inventory accordingly.

Here are some B2B marketplaces to explore:

  • ZoomInfo
  • Alibaba
  • ThomasNet
  • GlobalSources

12. Reading Blogs and Other Online Resources

Reading blogs and other online resources

When you’re on the hunt for trending products, diving into blogs and various online resources offers a treasure trove of information. To ensure you’re making the most of this strategy, here’s a step-by-step guide to guide you along:

Step 1: Identify Your Niche.

Commence by pinpointing your niche to streamline your search. Knowing your market makes it easier to find relevant blogs.

Step 2: Follow Industry Leaders.

Keep tabs on thought leaders in your niche. Their insights often lead to the discovery of emerging products.

Step 3: Leverage RSS Feeds.

Use an RSS feed aggregator for a curated stream of recent articles from your favorite blogs all in one place.

Step 4: Analyze Trends.

Scan articles for patterns and mentions of rising products or technologies.

Examples of helpful eCommerce blogs and resources include:

Remember, regularly reading these resources keeps you informed about the latest market shifts and potential best-sellers for your store.

13. Browsing Related Product Suggestions and Bundles

Browsing related product suggestions and bundles

When looking for the next hot item to add to your store, browsing related product suggestions can be a goldmine. 

Websites often have algorithms that show you what other customers looked at or bought in conjunction with items you’re viewing. 

You can leverage these suggestions to scout for possible trending products.

Here’s how to get started:

  1. Pick a Product: Start with a product that’s already popular in your store or niche.
  2. Check Suggestions: Look for the ‘customers also bought’ or ‘frequently bought together’ sections on product pages.
  3. Analyze Patterns: Note any repeated items across various product suggestion lists.
  4. Research Bundles: Search for pre-made bundles in your niche to see what combinations are selling.

For instance:

Imagine you’re selling eco-friendly water bottles. A related products section might show silicone straws or cleaning brushes frequently bought together with the bottles. 

By noticing this pattern, you have spotted a trend in eco-friendly drinking accessories.

Why does this work?

  • Consumer Insights: You see first-hand what customers are pairing together.
  • Save Time: It’s quicker than manually combing through products.
  • Relevancy: Bundles show what products complement each other in the market.

Use this method to update your inventory with items that have a proven interest among shoppers. Remember, if customers are buying them together, there’s a higher chance they’re on an upward trend.

14. Listening to eCommerce Podcasts

Listening to eCommerce podcasts

Discovering trending products is crucial for the success of your online store. A valuable approach for this is tuning in to eCommerce podcasts

These audio gems are treasure troves of insights, providing up-to-date information on market trends and consumer preferences.

Start by selecting podcasts that focus on your niche or the broader eCommerce industry. They often feature interviews with industry leaders and successful store owners who share their experiences and predictions for upcoming trends.

Next, listen regularly. Make it a habit to tune in while commuting, exercising, or during your free time. By incorporating podcasts into your routine, you’ll consistently gather new ideas and stay ahead of the curve.

Take notes on mentioned products and explore their presence online. See what’s getting buzz on social media or in online communities. This will help you gauge interest and potential demand.

Check the podcasts’ show notes, often found on their websites, for direct links to products or additional resources. This can save you time and lead you straight to trending items.

Here are some examples of eCommerce podcasts that could guide you:

  • Shopify Masters dives into the stories of successful entrepreneurs and extracts valuable lessons on trending products.
  • The eCommerce Fuel Podcast provides actionable advice from experienced eCommerce professionals.
  • My Wife Quit Her Job explores real stories of entrepreneurs who have identified trending niches.

15. Utilizing Product Hunting Tools

Utilizing product hunting tools

Finding trending products to sell in your e-commerce store can be greatly aided by using product hunting tools. 

These tools are designed to streamline your market research process and give you insights into what products are gaining traction among consumers.

Step 1: Begin by selecting a product hunting tool that suits your needs. Look for one that has an interface you find user-friendly and provides data that’s relevant to your niche.

Step 2: Use filters provided by the tool to narrow down your search. You can filter by category, sales data, customer reviews, and more to discover products that are both popular and potentially profitable.

Step 3: Analyze the trends using the tool’s analytics features. Some tools offer insight into customer demand and product performance over time, which can help you predict which products may continue to be popular.

Step 4: Finally, validate your findings by cross-checking with other sources. Look at customer reviews, social media buzz, and competitor listings to ensure your identified products have a real, growing market.

Examples of product hunting tools:

  • Sell The Trend
  • DSers
  • Niche Scraper
  • AliShark

By following these steps and utilizing the right tools, you’ll enhance your ability to find products that are not only trending but also align with your business goals. Remember, staying informed about consumer preferences is key to e-commerce success.

Frequently Asked Questions

In navigating the ever-evolving market, it’s crucial to grasp how to identify products that are in demand, understand the top-selling items globally, recognize trendspotting challenges, and effectively apply your discoveries.

How Do You Find out What Products Are in Demand?

To determine what products are currently in demand, you can start by using a trending product discovery tool which allows you to filter by category to identify trending items. 

Additionally, checking social media trends, consumer feedback, and conducting keyword research via platforms like Google Trends offers real-time insight into consumer behavior and preferences.

What Is the Most Sold Item in the World?

The most sold item can vary depending on current trends and consumer needs; historically, items like smartphones and clothing have been high on the list. 

For current data, sales metrics from major platforms like Amazon, eBay, or Alibaba can provide a snapshot of what’s in high demand across various market sectors.

What Are the Common Challenges in Trendspotting?

One major challenge in trendspotting is distinguishing between a short-term fad and a long-lasting trend. It also requires regular analysis of market reports and staying updated with shifts in consumer interests and behaviors. 

Another hurdle is the over-saturation of information, which can make it difficult to pinpoint actionable data.

How Can I Implement My Findings?

Once you’ve identified a trending product, validate the demand through Google Trends analysis or by monitoring social media engagement. 

Then, consider a small-scale launch to test market interest. If your findings indicate a strong demand, scale up appropriately, focusing on marketing strategies that highlight the uniqueness and value of the product.

Elevating Your Store with Trending Picks

To thrive in the competitive eCommerce space, staying ahead of trends is crucial. 

Begin by understanding your target customer and the specific niche you want to dominate. Analyzing competition can offer insights into demand and potential areas for growth.

Optimization is key, so track customer feedback to tweak your inventory. Regularly updating your offerings keeps your store dynamic and appealing. Consider working with multiple suppliers for a diverse range of products and to mitigate risks of stock-outs.

Inventory management should not be overlooked. Balancing new, trending items with evergreen products ensures stability while capitalizing on spikes in consumer interest.

When it comes to sourcing trending products, efficiency is essential. Align with sourcing agents who can provide quality options and streamline the restocking process. 

Remember, every product you choose should add value for your customers and distinguish your store from others. 

For assistance in sourcing products tailored to your store’s needs, consider submitting a sourcing request to find options that might not be readily available on the market.

About the Author

stanley nieh ceo


Over 10 years of experience in foreign trade
Helped 2k+ customers improve their dropshipping businesses

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